Is Stress Making You Stress? (12/18/2019)
Is stress affecting your health? Is it affecting your quality of life?
It might be! Listen closely and you may hear your body talking to you. You’ll get your own private message because everybody (and every body!) responds to stress differently.
If you pay attention you will notice the early warning signs. The signs may be subtle and you may even be too stressed out to notice them, or they may be glaringly obvious. Either way, when you’re feeling overwhelmed and things aren’t going your way, or you feel unable to control yourself from emotional outbursts, these may be your early warning signs.
Do you use food, candy and/or alcohol to de-stress? Are you annoyed, cranky, suffering headaches, have a stiff neck, muscle tension, and/or clenching your teeth? By noticing your responses and reactions during stressful times, you can monitor yourself, make healthier choices and reduce the effects upon your mental, emotional and physical health, potentially avoiding long-term and chronic illness.
What is Stress?
Stress is a natural response produced by the release of adrenaline in the body. In ancient times this process was very useful. When you were being chased by a tiger or a bear, that extra shot of adrenaline was necessary to help you speed up your body functions to enable yourself to run faster or jump higher allowing you to escape and ultimately save your life. Seems like that would work in your favor, right?
These days, and in short bursts, an adrenaline release may be beneficial to help conquer a fear, produce extra endurance or motivation. Any tigers or bears we might be dealing with that may cause bad stress could include worrying about money, relationships, jobs or health, last-minute work projects, or bad news. This kind of stress can produce chronic and long-term health issues, and according to the American Health Institute, if left unchecked, can even lead to death.
Early Warning Signs of Stress:
• Headaches, muscle tension, neck or back pain
• Upset stomach
• Dry mouth
• Chest pains, rapid heartbeat
• Difficulty falling or staying asleep
• Fatigue
• Loss of appetite or overeating “comfort foods”
• Increased frequency of colds
• Lack of concentration or focus
• Memory problems or forgetfulness
• Jitters
• Irritability
• Short temper
• Anxiety
Cause Factors
1. Job Pressure Co-Worker Tension, Bosses, Work Overload
2. Money Loss of Job, Reduced Retirement, Medical Expenses
3. Health Health Crisis, Terminal or Chronic Illness
4. Relationships Divorce, Death of Spouse, Arguments with Friends, Loneliness
5. Poor Nutrition Inadequate Nutrition, Caffeine, Processed Foods, Refined Sugars
6. Media Overload Television, Radio, Internet, E-Mail, Social Networking
7. Sleep Deprivation Inability to release adrenaline and other stress hormones
Some Stress Statistics:
Percent of people who regularly experience physical symptoms caused by stress 77%Regularly experience psychological symptoms caused by stress 73%
Feel they are living with extreme stress 33%
Feel their stress has increased over the past five years 48%
Reported lying awake at night due to stress 48%
Fatigue 51%
Headache 44%
Upset Stomach 34%
Muscle Tension 30%
Change in Appetite 23%
Teeth grinding 17%
Change in sex drive 15%
Feeling dizzy 13%
If you’d like to use an online tool to check out your stress levels, click here to go to the Stress Calculator provided by The University of Maryland.
The products in our Stress & Sleep Remedies category have been created to support your nervous system upset and stress indications. Many have been designed to support your body's stress-fighting ability, others to nutritionally-support your adrenal glands, and others to help support deep and restful sleep which will help you awaken refreshed and energized.
Visit our Immune Health category to see all of the natural herbal, nutritional and vitamin supplements from Dynamic Nutritional Associates (DNA Labs), Professional Botanicals, and NuMedica that we offer to support your immune health.
Note: The content of this article, and additional content on this website, are for informational purposes only and are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking help because of something you read here on this website.